The Green Party~good people, gorgeous campaigns and they recycle their election billboards...we like!
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In fact, it's more like love. During the recession of 2008, they kept us afloat with much valued orders.
Above are a few of the collection that sold as Party fundraisers via their online shop.

These are a few of the 2011 election souvenirs with surplus campaign leaflets used to create a handy little storage pocket.

For the vintage range, old membership flyers with history on the Green Party were used to create the pocket
complement the era of the artwork.
From two MP's after the 1996 election to six, then nine and then fourteen,
the brochure is nice memento as well as a handy card holder. Roll on the 2017 election for hopefully even more.

When they ran out of coreflute signs to recycle, they rounded up their election billboards and commissioned us to make
them into lots of tablecloths. It's love all right. Without their ongoing support we'd have gone under for sure.
Their orders helped to keep us afloat during the recession so we returned the love and made them some smaller election
to use as little thank you gifts.
During the election, their office was full of volunteers coming and going
dawn to dusk~it was impressive stuff.

There were also lots of origami card holders made up for hard working candidates like James Shaw.
It is with thanks to James that we got our first Green Party order!

At the time, their Garrett Street office was manned by the helpful Dave Butler-Peck so when he left, a farewell gift of
a Green Party billboard laptop bag was the least we could do.

...and how could we resist thanking the lovely Michael Pringle, with his own little name sake bird feeder for all his kind help too.
To view their online shop, find out about volunteering or job vacancies, click here.